期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Items shared through Social Media may affect more than one user’s privacy — e.g., photos that depictmultiple users, comments that mention multiple users, events in which multiple users are invited, etc. The lack of multipartyprivacy management support in current mainstream Social Media infrastructures makes users unable toappropriately control to whom these items are actually shared or not. Computational mechanisms that are able to mergethe privacy preferences of multiple users into a single policy for an item can help solve this problem. However,merging multiple users’ privacy preferences is not an easy task, because privacy preferences may conflict, so methodsto resolve conflicts are needed. Moreover, these methods need to consider how users’ would actually reach anagreement about a solution to the conflict in order to propose solutions that can be acceptable by all of the usersaffected by the item to be shared. Current approaches are either too demanding or only consider fixed ways ofaggregating privacy preferences. In this paper, we propose the first computational mechanism to resolve conflicts formulti-party privacy management in Social Media that is able to adapt to different situations by modelling theconcessions that users make to reach a solution to the conflicts. We also present results of a user study in which ourproposed mechanism outperformed other existing approaches in terms of how many times each approach matchedusers’ behaviour.