期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:E Composites play a vital role in aerospace, land transportation and consumer goods due to their highspecific strength and stiffness, leading to reduction in the mass of moving objects. Glass epoxy composites are anunique materials for some of the important applications such as pressure vessels of commercial applications, Storage ofchemicals, sewage treatment plants, chemical industrial applications. Initially for manufacturing a laminate withappropriate finishing and maintaining uniform thickness a Match-Die-Mold is designed and fabricated. In the presentinvestigation, I have taken three different resin matrix systems in conjunction with E-Glass bidirectional fabric. Theepoxy LY556 (resin system - 1), The epoxy LY 556 with 5% reactive diluents (resin system - 2) & Epofine 1555(modified epoxy resin with high elongation (resin system - 3).The basic idea to choose a compatible resin system with E-Glass bidirectional fabric is that the best combinations ofmechanical properties are achieved. The mechanical properties are determined by carrying out tests on specimens intension and flexure in accordance with the test procedure laid down in ASTM-D specifications D-3039 and D-790 +450 specimens has prepared in accordance with D-3518 to study the in-plane shear properties. Inter laminar shearstrength will be determined by conducting short-beam shear test with span to thickness ratio less than 4 in accordancewith D-2544. Finally after obtaining the tested results, those values are checked by using ANSYS software package.