摘要:The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between types and amount of social activity and health-related quality of life according to gender and age group. This study used data from the Community Health Survey (CHS), which was collected in 2011 and consisted of 229,226 participants aged 19 or older. A linear mixed effects model was used to evaluate the factors influencing health-related quality of life among individuals tracked in the CHS and, in particular, to analyze the associations between the amount and types of social activities participated in and the EuroQol EQ-5D assessment. We found that the average quality of life increased according to the amount of social activities individuals participated in (zero = 89.30, one = 93.28, two = 95.25, three = 96.27, four = 96.85). When people participated in one social activity, social activity was more strongly associated with EQ-5D in the elderly age group (males: 19–34 years = 0.195, 35–49 years = 0.642, 50–64 years = 1.716, ≥65 years = 4.408; females: 19–34 years = 0.170, 35–49 years = 0.502, 50–64 years = 1.411, ≥65 years = 4.180). More participation was positively associated with higher EQ-5D (one = 1.939, two = 2.377, three = 2.439, four = 2.515, p for trend < 0.0001). In females, those who participated in relationship organizations had a higher EQ-5D than those who participated in other types of social activities (Females ≥65 age group; Relationship = 4.373, Leisure = 2.620, Religion = 1.842, Charity = 1.544). There was a positive association between the increase in the number of social activities and increase in health-related quality of life, especially when evaluated in terms of type of social activities and health-related quality of life according to gender and age group.
关键词:Life Satisfaction ; Social Activity ; Generalize Linear Mixed Model ; Religious Activity ; Perceive Health Status