摘要:Associating a content word to its rational semantic relations is regardedas a language learning strategy which explicitly contributes to mental lexicon.Semantic mapping herein seems to constitute an efficacious pattern for its practicein language instruction. Conversely, it appears to be among the least frequentlyused vocabulary learning strategies in language classrooms. This study points atsemantic mapping as a practice for EFL learners by suggesting its pros and cons,and thus aims to raise awareness with this respect. The samples for the treatmentof the study involve 20 EFL students studying at a state university in Turkey. Asecond group of the same size was randomly chosen as the control group from thesame accessible population. All the participants were subject to a pre-test and apost-test measuring the size of the vocabulary known. The findings indicate asignificant increase in the vocabulary size of the treatment group, surpassing theaverage size of undergraduate non-native speakers of English from non-Europeanbackground.