出版社:Instituto de Gestão de Desenvolvimento de Produto
摘要:Product designers need to conduct product development projects based on detailed and complete technicalspecs that mirror consumer requirements. Target product specifications poorly met or assumed incorrectly maypotentially cause serious problems for companies such as excessive cost, low quality and long time-to-market.The main objective of the present work was to propose and validate an integrated solution (method and tool) forfacilitating the generation of target specifications applicable to home appliance products. The proposed method isable to automatically generate target specifications for each sub-system of the product starting with customer needsas identified by Marketing teams. Information obtained in a systematic and assertive manner can then be used inthe Conceptual Design stage of the product development process, when design solutions are generated. Resultswere validated through a comparative study of three products designed and manufactured by a large transnationalhome appliance manufacturer enterprise located in Brazil. Target specifications resulting from the application ofthe proposed tool were compared to actual characteristics of the products studied.