出版社:Estonian Literary Museum and Estonian Folklore Institute
摘要:In the eighteenth century, songs of two essentially different types of culturewere present in the repertory of the Estonian-speaking community: folksongsand hymns. The old tradition of folksongs (regilaul or runosong) representingthe indigenous oral culture was still alive. At the same time, since the sixteenthcentury, more and more elements of European (Christian) written culture hadpenetrated into the mental world of Estonians. The structures of literary language(and thinking based on written texts in a broader sense) were transferredinto Estonian mainly by means of translations of ecclesiastical literature. Forcertain socio-historical reasons, influences of literacy may have mainly reachedEstonians through the translations of Lutheran hymns, which became especiallypopular in the eighteenth century. This was the century in which structures ofindigenous oral culture and those of European written culture probably stillfunctioned in the mental world of Estonians separately from each other. Only inthe nineteenth century the two sets fused into literary Estonian, and the modernEstonian culture was born. In order to understand the mechanics of the genesis ofmodern Estonian, the present article juxtaposes the sublanguages representingthe situation in the eighteenth century (prior to the fusion). The text-corpora offolksongs and Lutheran hymn translations are analysed on lexical, morphological,and morphosyntactical levels.
关键词:grammatical phrases; language history; lexis; Lutheran hymns;morphological categories; runosong; written versus oral culture; word frequency