出版社:Economic Laboratory for Transition Research Podgorica
摘要:The paper examines to what extent some maritime business organizationsuse intelligently available Information and CommunicationTechnology (ICT) solutions, and in which manners the existing gapbetween ICT potentials and their real use on daily basis can bemitigated. As a focus group are identified ten maritime businessentities from Albania, Croatia, Italy, Montenegro and Slovenia, whichshare the common Adriatic Sea market. Selected representatives ofthese maritime organizations have advisedly given responds to thequestionnaire, and in such way supported identifying some coreproblems in the afore mentioned regard, along with deriving somerecommendations towards their overcoming in the future. Betterinternal and external business communications are recognized askey enablers of more effective and efficient exploitation of the existingICT solutions. Also, better knowledge, skills and organizationalculture among management teams and employees are pointed outas main facilitators of more rational and fortunate usage of the ICTsystems and tools.
关键词:(intelligent) use of ICT;maritime business entities;overcoming the gap.