出版社:Economic Laboratory for Transition Research Podgorica
摘要:This paper aims at discussing to what extent an effective protectionof a state border (in this case: the external EU border that partlycoincides with the border of the Republic of Lithuania, whichamounts to 1070 km. (the whole perimeter of a border amounts to1763 km)) depends on successful prevention and dismantling ofactivities of trafficking networks and on understanding the economicmechanisms for the operation of those networks. The paper willintroduce the pilot study (completed in Spring, 2017) with an aim toidentify the concepts officers – state border guards have on diversityand migration; first chapter is dedicated to the issue. Also, ananalysis of the Lithuanian situation is presented in the second chapter.The fact that during the last several years (since 2012), thenumber of irregular migrants decreased by almost 4 times is discussedfrom two aspects. Firstly, measures of prevention and infrastructure.Namely, the distance under the surveillance of CCTVcameras increased twofold during the time, also, the cooperationwith colleagues in the field in other countries (Byelorussia) improvedsignificantly. Another factor was an improved cooperation of the lawenforcement agencies between the countries and within Lithuania.The data shows that one of the major factors for decreasing theillegal migration that is, prevention is a successful removal of economicfactor from the process (or at least, it serves as a strongdeterrence). That is, it was identified that the predominant numberof irregular migrants were doing that not as individuals, but in thegroups, led by traffickers, whose fee in recent years increased.Therefore, effective legal measures against traffickers provide solidbasis for decreasing irregular migration.