摘要:Project activity has a long history of implementation in education (Kilpatrick, 1918).This article describes the approach to project activity that became widespread in preschooleducation in Russia in the late 1990s. This approach is based on the culturalhistoricaltheory of Vygotsky (1978), Venger’s (1988) understanding of intellectualgiftedness, as well as an understanding of project activity proposed by Leontiev(2000).At the heart of project activity lies children’s exploration of the space of possibilities— that is, their search for action options that correspond to their personal motivesand express their individuality. The main features of project activity are the problemsituation to be presented to the child; the subjectivity of all its participants, includingteachers; and its nature, which includes its social context.Three main types of project activity are presented: research, creative, and normative;each has its own structure and value for children’s development. Examples of theirimplementation in preschool settings are provided. The impact of project activity on allits participants in preschool — children, teachers, parents — is addressed.The article shows the effectiveness of project activity for educational work withboth intellectually gifted and normally developing children.
关键词:project activity; giftedness; intellectual development; space of possibilities