摘要:Results of the research on the willingness to assist people in various health or life-threatening situations can be consideredas an objective indicator of mental health (individuals) and social health (conjunction social groups). The aimof this study is knowledge about declared by medical students actions towards of people in emergency situations.Material and Methods: The group of 111 students of the second and third year from the department of the medical university fromcentral Poland (48 female, 63 male) were being examined. The average age of the respondents was 21.4 years(the oldest 27 years and the youngest 20 years). Only 8% of students declared sport and social activity andparticipation in solving difficult situations in microscale. Lack of such experience stated the 10% of respondents.The largest group (63%) are students who did not engage in social activities. The authors used questionnaireKK’017 based on mixed assessments („efficiency – ethical”) of 12 simulated actions. Diagnosis basedon declared actions in 3 situations: the need to help others; a serious accident on the road when the respondentis in a hurry for an important meeting; jump into the water to save the browning.Results: Ethical actions in each simulated situation are declared by 65% students. Stability of „efficiency – ethical” ineach of the three simulated situations revealed 35% of the respondents. This indicator in relation to the twodeclarations (a dangerous accident on the road when the respondent is in an emergency meeting, jumpinginto the water to save the drowning) is 57%. The closest social expectations are the declarations of studentscumulating three activities: sport, social and participation in solving difficult situations in the microscale (ethicalactions 75%; stability of „efficiency – ethical” in two specific simulations of threats to health or life 62.5%).The op opposite is the declaration of students who lack these experiences (respectively: 72%; 36%).Conclusions: Applied questionnaire KK’017 based on mixed assessments turned out to be a synthetic tool for diagnosingmental health and predicting the effectiveness of rescue operations. The questionnaire KK’017 results associatedwith rescue skills and swimming tests of particular social groups (especially students, teachers, educatorsand candidates for on-demand and uniformed public services) may be the basis of an educational strategyand promotion of social health.
关键词:innovative agonology ; mental health ; on-demand and uniformed public services ; questionnaire KK’017 ;social health ; survival ability.