期刊名称:Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast
摘要:Participating in labor activity and the situation on the labor market are among the mostimportant aspects of research into the empowerment of women; this research has a significant impacton the implementation of labor potential, and, consequently, on the overall economic development ofthe territory. However, as global and Russian practice shows, women in the labor market represent amore vulnerable category than men and often face discrimination in relation to wages, career position,employment, etc. Authors of scientific papers usually acknowledge that female population has higherlevels of human capital, but they do not go deep into the analysis of its qualitative characteristics. In thiscontext, we performed a study of the labor potential of women in the regional labor market (on the basisof the monitoring data on the quality status of the labor potential in the Vologda Oblast). Our analysis hasshown that the values of the majority of basic components of labor potential quality in women are higherthan those in men (with the exception of the health index). In addition, the level of implementationof the accumulated potential in women is also higher than the same indicator in men. We substantiatethis phenomenon by the existence of gender differences in the attitude toward labor. Compared to men,women tend to have terminal values that are more developed, this is manifested in women’s greaterdesire to realize themselves in the labor market. As a result, they find employment within their specialtymore often, they are focused on getting a stable job that would allow them to utilize their knowledge,abilities and skills to the fullest extent. Despite all this, labor remuneration for women is lower than thatfor men. One reason for such differentiation lies in gender discrimination in a latent form, which is dueto the stereotypes of the position and behavior of women in society. In conclusion, we propose a numberof areas to address gender inequality in the labor market.