期刊名称:Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast
摘要:The paper summarizes and systematizes theoretical and methodological approaches tothe study of the concept of “mentality”. The authors review historical-philosophical, culturalanthropological,psychological, ethnographic, socio-cultural and sociological, socio-economicand interdisciplinary approaches. Special attention is paid to the system approach that considershow mental characteristics are manifested. The paper presents the structural approach thatfocuses on individual continents of mentality and an approach to the study from the standpointof the “level of the nature of mentality” (conceptual-semantic, values-and-target, and behaviorallevels). The authors substantiate the necessity of using an interdisciplinary approach to thedetermination of mentality. This is due to the fact that this scientific category is widely used indifferent sciences (sociology, psychology, the humanities), which requires unified conceptualanalytical methods. The authors reveal distinctive features according to which mentality can beclassified; they include: 1) the level of analysis (individual, professional, social mentality); 2)territorial feature (urban/rural (provincial)); 3) the level of historical development (primitive/modern (civilized)). The following features are also highlighted as the criteria: the nature ofmanifestation (preliterate, literate and media-mentality); the degree of relationship to theworld (sensuous/ideational); focus on the structural elements of mentality: on psychologicalcharacteristics (conscious/unconscious), normative characteristics, etc. It is shown that whenmentality is considered through the prism of various traditions (research schools), then theattention is focused on its various components: thinking (American school), historical traditions(German school), sensuous component, social aspects of interaction between people (Frenchschool). The authors reveal the relation between mentality and the resulting behavior of people.This relationship can be characterized in terms of “whole–part” and “object–manifestationof the object”. In the former case there are “behavioral components” of mentality such as:1) consumption patterns (prestige, demonstrative behavior, on the one hand, or the psychologyof the subsistence minimum on the other); 2) the norms of interaction between economic entities(equality/inequality in the interaction); 3) generally accepted stereotypes of relations betweensociety and the individual (self-sufficiency or collective nature of dealing with problems).
关键词:mentality; structure of mentality; stages of evolution of mentality; behavior.