期刊名称:Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast
摘要:The system of education is an engine of progress in the modern world. On the one hand, itshapes human capital thus contributing to social development and improving the competitiveness ofeconomies; on the other hand, it is a kind of mechanism that helps adapt to changes in the global labormarket. At the same time, educational systems all over the world are continuously faced with certainchallenges and problems associated with the development of globalization, informatization, integration,knowledge economy, etc. Social innovations are one of the effective tools to address these challenges. Thearticle brings to the fore the issues associated with the development of social innovation in the system ofeducation. The goal of the work is to highlight specific characteristics of social innovation in education,to analyze the current state of social innovation in Russia on the example of the system of education,to highlight drivers of and barriers to the development of social innovation in Russian education underthe research project “Social Innovation: Driving Force of Social Change” (SI-DRIVE) of the SeventhFramework Programme of the European Union, one of the participants of which was Vologda ResearchCenter of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The paper emphasizes the implementation and promotion ofsocial innovation in the Russian education system. According to the results of case studies, major factorsthat hinder the development of social innovation in education include lack of financing, and variousadministrative and regulatory barriers. We provide examples of successful projects showing that themain drivers of social initiatives include charismatic leadership, governmental support, strong demand,and development of partnership networks. In conclusion, we give recommendations aimed to providecomprehensive assistance to the development of social innovation in the Russian education system.
关键词:social innovation; education system; social entrepreneurship; globalization; inequality;governance.