期刊名称:Akademos: Revista de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă
出版社:Academy of Sciences of Moldova
摘要:The article reflects aspects of content and appraisals of awarding the Nobel Prize 2016 in science ofresearchers J.-P. Sauvage, J. F. Stoddart and B. L. Feringa for ”Design and synthesis of molecular machines”. By three outstandinginventions (three steps) the Nobel Prize winners managed to revolutionize the machines’ synthesis at molecularlevel, and obtained machines which are a million times smaller than a millimeter, or a thousand times smaller thana human hair. Applications of molecular machines, in general, and molecular mechanical transmissions and engines, inparticular, will revolutionize the fields of information technology, computers with molecular nano chips, nano systemsfor energy storage, nano-robots, medicine, etc.The article describes the exceptional advantages of precessional transmissions in the development of moleculartransmissions. The paper presents constructive-kinematic peculiarities of molecular precessional transmissions developedat the Technical University of Moldova (TUM). Also molecular precessional motor is presented which was elaboratedin 2011 at TUM, based on another functional principle of converting chemical energy into mechanical energywith controllable motions which is different from the one proposed in 1999 by B. L. Feringa and achieved in 2009 byC. Joachim – considered the first in the world who managed to rotate a molecular wheel.
关键词:molecular mechanical transmissions; molecular precessional motors; molecular machines; conversion of;chemical energy into mechanical energy; molecules with controllable motions; molecular rotating wheel.