期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Drones are basically remote-controlled robots that can do wide range of fun things, from zooming alongthe ground, flying high into the sky and hovering in the air with a built-in camera. Our project Drone is small andhighly manageable drone or flying machine that usually comes with an on-board video camera with SD card storagefacilities of the image / videos. A drone has 4 propellers and motors that generate thrust which is necessary in liftingthe aircraft. Mechanically, a drone is simpler as compared to traditional helicopter that needs a rotor tail in order tocounteract the produced angular torque of the main rotor. These days, you may have already observed a flying drone.Drones are now becoming more and more common since it is becoming a hobby for many people. But with its manygreat brands and models, you may be wondering, what is the best drone to start your flying career. This paper isfocused on developing a remotely operated quadcopter system. The quadcopter is controlled through Graphical UserInterface (GUI). Communication between GUI and quadcopter is done by using wireless communication system. Thequadcopter balancing condition is sensed by FY90 controller and IMU 5DOF sensor. For smooth landing, quadcopter isequipped with ultrasonic sensor. All signals from sensors are processed by Arduino Uno microcontroller board. Outputfrom Arduino Uno microcontroller is used to control Quad copter propellers. GUI is designed using Visual Basic 2008Express as interface between control base and Quad copter. The experiment shows that quadcopter can hover bymaintaining its balance and stability. Quadcopter can accept load disturbance up to 250g during it hover condition.Maximum operated time of quadcopter is six minutes using 2200mAh Lipo battery and operate time can be increase byutilizing largest battery capacity.