期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Big Data deals with large volumes of data which cannot be processed in reasonable amount of time.This data needs to be processed quickly by various tools and techniques. Whereas in machine learning a system learnsfrom past experiences and is able to build a model which would most likely be able to comprehend futureinstances. One of the main reasons why big data and machine learning are used together is because big data is morelikely to be a pre-processing step to machine learning. The learning comes from extensive calculations done overexisting datasets to create a learning model. Big data privacy on the other hand is about making the data secure frombreaches. It basically deals with protecting the data about an individual or an institution in a dataset that is not to bemade public. How machine learning and big data privacy works is a new field of interest. So, this paper gives a reviewof the existing big data privacy mechanisms using machine learning techniques.