摘要:Since the early 1980s, the European Union (now EuropeanCommission) launched several funding initiatives,Framework Programmes (FP) 1 through 7 and now Horizon2020, aimed at fostering scientific cooperation acrossthe European Research Area. Our generations (EA wasborn in 1953 and SM in 1976), albeit in different timesand modalities, resolutely believed that scientific activitiesshall represent the natural companion of the EuropeanCommission when it comes to generating knowledgeand professional opportunities (http://scienzaesocieta.gruppi.ilcannocchiale.it/?t=post&pid=1825779). It isthus worth emphasizing the importance of conductingresearch in an Institution traditionally active in calibratingthe needs of the subsequent FPs. For example, AmilcareCarpi de Resmini, who then became the Director ofthe Laboratory of Organ and System Pathophysiology ofthe Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Italian National Instituteof Health, ISS), actively contributed to the shapingand general formatting of the first FP, the official startingof European science, back in 1983.