摘要:Background. Suicide in international police is 2-3-fold that of the general population.Risk factors include suicidal ideation, diagnosis of mood or post-traumatic stress disorders,family/psychological problems, suffered abuse, alcohol use, service suspension,and stigma. A false stigma-related myth is to believe that suicide does not cause concernwithin military settings.Methods. We administered post-training to 6103 Italian Police workers a 30-item questionnaireto assess the perception of suicidal phenomena. We conducted descriptive statistics,principal component analysis, and analyses of variance of data.Results. We identified seven factors, i.e., health and environmental risk factors; need fornew preventive interventions; emotional reaction to suicide; negation, indifference andminimization; utility of current preventive interventions; risk related to personal factors;intervention difficulties.Conclusions. The questionnaire showed content validity and consistency in investigatingperceptions about suicide in the State Police. Data synthesis showed a mature approachand appropriate perception of the suicide problem on behalf of Italian StatePolice workers.