出版社:Richards College of Business, University of West Georgia
摘要:This book provides insights into the workings of the art market, especially inregard to paintings. Attention is given to what determines the prices and return on aninvestment in paintings. This book provides information important to collectors, auctionhouses, galleries, art experts, and economists. As an economist and not an artist ofpaintings, I found this book to be very accessible. Although some economists may notspend an appreciable amount of time in the art field, we all need to be cognizant ofmarkets concerning these potentially valuable items, especially of the high end variety.This book is perfect as a detailed summary of what an economist needs to know.Among the subjects discussed in the book are valid, true paintings, as well asfakes and fraud. Employed for analysis in this book is a unique set of 14,000 artauctions observed between 1987 of eighty American artists born before 1950. Thesepaintings are what economists term credence goods. Actually, these goods are“particularly vulnerable to fraudulent behavior” (p. 49).