期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Coal Water Slurries (CWS) are concentrated suspensions of coal particles in water and are used as fluidfuels. The rheological properties of Coal Water Slurries depend on a number of factors such as the type of coal, thesolid content and its size distribution, the temperature, the pH and the presence of electrolytes and chemical additives.In the present study rheological behavior of Indian coal water slurry (CWS) was investigated using an Anton ParrRheolabQC rheometer. The objective of the current work was to determine the effect of concentration and additive onthe rheological behaviour of coal water slurries. It is observed that the coal water slurry exhibits shearthinning/thickening effects at low concentrations while at 50% Cw and above the slurry prepared from both coalsamples consistently shows shear thinning behaviour. The increase of viscosity is found to be exponential withconcentration. The viscosity is significantly affected by surfactant Triton X-100 which is observed to lower theviscosity at all selected dosages (i.e:0.5%-2.4% by weight of slurry).The optimal dosage is 1.5% of additive by weightof slurry. The maximum reduction in viscosity is about half at 1.5% additive dosage at 50% Cw of slurry. From workon surfactant loading it can be concluded that it might be possible to produce pumpable coal slurries at concentrationsof 50% and above by adding suitable dispersant/additive at optimal dosage.