期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Now a days we are moving towards wireless technology so one of them is Wireless Sensor network, it isused in wide applications like health monitoring, weather monitoring, anti-missile defense system etc.WSN is nothingbut collection of different sensor nodes deployed in various regions. Sensor nodes have limited resources like batterypower, memory storage, etc. For extending the life- time of WSNs there should be Less Energy Consumption. In thispaper we are going to concentrate on priority based packet scheduling technique like FCFS, SJF, RR(RoundRobin),Preemptive,non- Preemptive packet scheduling, etc. But this scheduling algorithms have some drawbacks likehigh end-to-end delay, more Energy consumption routing overheads. In order to overcome these limitations, We areproposing a new packet scheduling algorithm that achieves Reliability, less energy consumption, avoids inconsistentdelay of packets. The proposed algorithm is Dynamic Multilevel Priority(DMP) Scheduling Method.DMP changes theconcept of Preemption which will assign and dynamically change the priority of the lower priority packets due toexisting high priority packet rush at the same queue. In this paper we introduce the concept of the Multilevel queues.For this algorithm we are using three level Queues for processing Real time and Non-Real time packets. In first queuewe process highest priority real time packets. In second queue Non-Real time highest priority types of packets areprocessed and then third queue. In third queue non-real time local data packets with less priority are processed.
关键词:Wireless Sensor Network; Energy consumption; First Come First Serve; Packet scheduling; Nonpreemptive;priority scheduling ;Preemptive priority scheduling; Real time; Non-Real time; Dynamic Multilevel Packet;Scheduling