期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:The paper presents the implementation of failure mode effect and criticality analysis (FMECA) andfishbone techniques to possibility of failure occurring by studying all parts of machine and expects the failure for it andtakes a preventive action for it. Fish bone is an important tool because it depends on studying by brain storming allexpected possible reasons for these failures and take a corrective action for these failures. FMECA and fish bonetechniques are helping maintenance team of any factory by reducing the chances of catastrophic failure that can resultin injuries, and optimizing maintenance efforts by suggesting applicable and effective preventive maintenance task forpotential failure modes or a corrective action for a fish bone technique. The performed application on tubing line ofglass bulb factory is because of its tendency of having frequent breakdowns and mal-functioning. This in turn, has animpact on the production rates and continuity and finally affects the final product of the factory. The detection rating tothe failure mode, the values of risk priority number and revised risk priority number are calculated. Global correctiveactions are suggested to improve risk priority number and revised risk priority number.