期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:The important parameters in the planning, design and control of a signalized intersection are saturationflows, lost times and passenger car units (PCU). These factors have been traditionally measured in most westerncountries based on the research carried on test tracks and on public roads where traffic is typically car-dominated withvehicles moving in clearly defined lanes. However, the traffic movement in Bangladesh and in other developingcountries is rendered more complex due to the heterogeneous characteristics of the traffic stream using the same rightof way. Another striking feature of the road traffic operating condition in developing countries is that, despite havinglane markings, most of the time lane discipline is not followed no matter whether non-motorized vehicle is present ornot. At intersections, there is notable lateral movement and vehicles tend to use lateral gaps to reach the head of thequeue. Due to fundamental differences in traffic characteristics, the standard western relationships for predicting thevalues of saturation flows, lost time, and PCU factors are not appropriate for developing countries. This present workfirst reviews principle methods of measurement of saturation flow and the selection of a proper method to measure thisparameter for the traffic condition prevailing in developing countries. The research establishes that a unified PCUconcept is not true for non-lane based traffic conditions and proposes a PCU and flow model for estimating thesaturation flow of signalized intersection having no lane discipline.
关键词:control of a signalized intersection are saturation flows; lost times and passenger car units (PCU)