期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:This paper aims to solve the power consumption problem by analysing the steam power plants from theenergetic and exergetic viewpoint using computer application method. Most of the previous applications havesomespecificitieswhich cannot be applied to anysteam power plant.Moreover, they neglect the volumetric analysis of thehydrocarbon fuel which has a considerable effect on the boiler and power plant efficiencies. So, the first author built anew computer program called Energy and Exergy Analyses (EEA) Whichcovers the shortage and overcomes theproblems of the previous programs. We used it to analyse the increment problem of the fuel consumption occurred inthe Cairo West Thermal Power Plant (Units 7 & 8). The results presented by EEA show that the boiler is the mainsource of exergy destruction due to combustion, boiling and superheating processes.Finally, we recommended somemodifications to increase the power plant efficiency.
关键词:EEA; Energetic; Exergetic; analysis; Efficiency; Steam power plant.