期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Now a days the use of Natural sand is increasing rapidly this will lead to Scarcity of sand some river hasreached its maximum limit of taking out sand from it on the other hand aggregate crusher plant gives out dust dailywhich is also known as artificial sand this artificial sand is considered to be wastage of crusher Plant. The mostly usedfine aggregate is the sand extracted from river banks. Also large-scale extraction of river banks depletes naturalresources. The particle shape of the aggregates is very important for making concretes. It is a well-known fact that thesand having cubical particles with grounded edges gives higher tensile strength and compression strength to theconcrete. The main aim of research is to make use of this artificial sand in concrete replacing Natural sand byovercoming the Mechanical Factors affecting it these utilization will not only make use of wastage of sand but alsoreduced the use of Natural sand to large extent.
关键词:River sand; Crushed sand; mix design compressive strength of concrete.