期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Due to influx of floating people, it is becoming a challenge for Dhaka city, Bangladesh to provide safeand adequate supply of drinking water to city dwellers. Present study aims to assess few physicochemical andmicrobiological property parameters of drinking water collected from six different locations of the city where asubstantial number of floating people resides. The study reveals that about 60% floating people choose DWASAdistribution pump as their water source and 7% use public toilets as source which is unhygienic. About 90% peopleconsume water without adopting any purification measures such as boiling, filtering etc. Turbidity, pH, CO2, alkalinity,hardness, chloride and iron content of all water samples tested meet Bangladesh Standard set by ECR’ 97. Presence ofalarming level of fecal and total coliform indicates existence of pathogenic organism which may induce potential healththreat to the people. The study again reveals that lack of awareness among people regarding health and hygiene,improper collection and handling, usage and storage of water are the main reasons behind contamination of drinkingwater.