期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:In modern era of advanced technology, many people have come to appreciate the efficiency,effectiveness, convenience and relatively inexpensiveness of using devices such as phones and computers to performday-to-day activities. Every day, new innovations are made in technological world. The ultimate goal of theseendeavours is to make life easier, ensure that there is maximum output and also to assist human in performing dutieswhich are essential difficult or highly demanding. This project was conducted with the major being to find a mosteffective and cheaper way of detecting and reporting intrusion within home. Fundamentally, this will be the best way ofsolving insecurity problem which is rampant within the country. The owner of this device can easily monitor the stateof his home without necessary having to be physically present. Compared to other devices available in the market, thisdevice has been designed in a manner which makes it cheaper and convenient; therefore, most people will be able toafford. The fact that the app uses smartphone makes it easy to manage, primary on basis that many people own smartphones. Some of the most outstanding features of this device is that it is able to generate other related data such asusage per hour, number of times the device was used, the time of the day when the device was used and many more. Inaddition, the user can switch off and on the device from the smartphone using the app.
关键词:Home Automation; Mobile App; Raspberry Pi; Smartphone