期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Bearing capacity and settlement are two main criteria for designing the foundation of a structure.Traditional bearing capacity theories for determining ultimate bearing capacity of foundation assume that soil belowthe footing as homogeneous. However, this is not true in all cases. But, layered soils are mostly encountered in practice.The footings of retaining wall, portal framed buildings, abutments of bridges, offshore structures are not only subjectedto vertical or inclined load but also to eccentric loading. Due to load eccentricity the overall stability of the foundationdecreases with increase in settlement and tilting of the foundation which reduces bearing capacity. To overcome thisreduction in bearing capacity of foundation, T-shaped footing can be used as an alternative. The vertical downwardprojection of T-shaped footing provides stability against lateral load acting on the structure. In this experimentalinvestigation, an attempt has been made to study the effect of layered type of sand on bearing capacity of T-shapedfoundation. Model plate load test were performed on T-shaped footing over layered sand. The depth of insertion cut-offof T-shaped footing was varies in the ratio of D/B = 0.25, 0.5, 0.75,1. Depth of top layer of sand was varied in the ratioof d1/D = 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2. The results were plotted in terms of load-settlement curves. From results it was concluded thatUBC of T-shaped footing increases with increase in the depth of insertion cut-off and it reaches its optimum value atinsertion depth equal to 0.5 times the width of footing. In case of T-shaped footing on layered sand, ultimate bearingcapacity and BCR of T-shaped footing increases with increase in depth of top layer up to the depth of top layer equal1.5 times depth of insertion cut-off.
关键词:Strip footing; T-shaped footing; Layered soil; Medium sand; Fine gravel; eccentric loading.