期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:The Prayer "Sarvatra Bhavantu Sukhinah, Sarve antu Niramayah," 'Let all be happy here and let allenjoy full health' of Vedic Sages echoed universal welfare. Industrial and technological development has provided uswith material prosperity but has also created unique environmental threats to us and to future generations. As thetwenty-first century begins, several well-established environmental trends are shaping the future of civilization-risingpollution, global worming, falling water tables, shrinking forests and the loss of plant and animal species. The extent ofthe environmental damage produced by present and projected industrial technology makes one wonder how long thiskind of development would be sustainable. The issue of environmental ethics goes beyond the problems relating toprotection of environment. Problems like Global Worming, Ozone depletion and disposal of hazardous wastes thatconcern the entire world. They require International cooperation and have to be tackled at the global level. Industriesthat are based on natural resources, like mineral timber, fibre and food stuff etc. have a special responsibility for : (1)adopting practices that have built - in environmental consideration, (2) Introducing processes that minimize the use ofnatural resources and energy, reduce waste, and present pollution; (3) Making product that are "Environment friendly",with minimum impact on people and ecosystem (4) Green accounting system. There is no doubt, that with the publicopinion moving towards accountable Socio-economic structures, ethical and eco-friendly business practices would bestandard corporate norms.