期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:A biogas plant is an anaerobic digester that converts various waste materials viz. food waste, animalwaste into biogas. Biogas is an example of a clean and easily controlled source of renewable energy from organic wastematerials and its production does not require much labor input Moreover, Biogas is a sustainable substitute forfirewood or fossil fuels which are slowly depleting and hence becoming more expensive. Biogas can be produced byanaerobic digestion of biodegradable materials by micro-organisms in the absence of oxygen. Since biogas is a mixtureof mainly methane (also known as marsh gas or natural gas, CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2), it is a renewable fuelproduced from waste treatment. Production of biogas from food waste is 10 times faster than the production of biogasfrom cow dung. In this study, the food waste from the canteen of Budge Budge Institute of Technology has beendecomposed to form Biogas. Presently the food waste is being collected by some outside agency and the fate of thewaste is not known. Hence this study focuses on the design of a prototype biogas plant which will demonstrate thefeasibility of conversion of this waste food into biogas. This study contemplates the proper management of the foodwaste generated daily from the canteen and conversion of the same to biogas which may be used for cooking to reducethe LPG consumption in the college canteen. Due to the presence of anaerobic bacteria decomposition of food wastecowdung mix will take place under two phases of reaction. In the first phase, acidification will occur, where pH levelmay fall due to acid formation. To maintain the pH in the alkaline level (which is a pre-requisite for methanogenesis),NaOH has been added in requisite dose. Hence in the second phase at higher pH (above 7) and higher temperature(above 40°C), methane (CH4) formation has occurred.