期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Thermo acoustic deals with the conversion of heat energy to sound energy or viceversa. Thermoacoustic cooling devices use the thermo acoustic principle to move heat using sound. They consist of a standing wavetube in which a stack of fractional wavelength creates a temperature gradient across the stack, facilitating heat flow.These devices are simple in design and have no harmful effects on the environment. However, their efficiencies arelower than the conventional vapour-compression refrigeration systems. In this study, the design, and development of athermo acoustic system for refrigeration application was considered. This study comprised two parts. In the first part,different components of the thermo acoustic refrigerator were designed based on the numerical analysis. In the secondparts, the refrigerator was fabricated based on the numerical design. The performance of the device was then tested andanalyzed.The numerical study has shown that the stack length and the position of the stack in the resonator have a significantimpact on the overall performance of the thermo acoustic device. Air at standard temperature and pressure is employedas the working gas.