期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:While designing a foundation, Bearing capacity and settlement are two main factors considered. Inaddition to the vertical settlement, inclined and eccentric loading may result in horizontal displacement (and sliding)and/or rotation (or over-turning), which can reduce the ultimate bearing capacity and increase the settlement. In suchcases, either properly designed conventional footing may be provided or ground improvement technique may beadopted. A T-shaped footing can be used to improve the bearing capacity of footing against the action of inclined andeccentric load. In natural conditions, the soil is not homogeneous in all directions. Hence, in this paper, the behaviourof a T-shaped footing is analysed on layered sand subjected to vertical centric, eccentric and inclined load using Finiteelement method of analysis; PLAXIS-2D software, and the results are deduced to study the improvement in bearingcapacity of T-shaped footing as compared to that of conventional strip footing.