期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:An experimental study is carried out to investigate the effect of using the annular ribs on the heattransfer characteristics, combustion and gas analysis in premixed flame burner. These annular ribs are insertedcoaxially with a longitudinal flame tube at different locations. A test rig is constructed to investigate the effect of usingsquared and triangle annular ribs shapes and the location of annular ribs relative to the burner tip on the heat transfercharacteristics. The test rig is constructed to carry out the measurements and experimental work using LPG fuel. Theeffects of changing the shape and the axial location of the annular ribs on the profile of the heat flux, combustionthrough the firing tube are achieved. The results of the present work indicate that using the annular ribs in combustionprocess increase the rate of the heat transfer across the furnace walls. The effect of the triangle rib is investigated andthe results showed that the effect of triangle ribs on the heat flux is greater than the effect of the squared one. Also therewas a significant enhancement of the flame and wall surface temperatures due to using ribs. At the insertion point ofthe rib (X/D = 2.029), each of maximum surface temperature, flame temperature and maximum heat transfer rate arefound.
关键词:Annular rib; premixed flame burner; Heat transfer; Combustion; Gas analysis.