期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:In a typical networking protocol a segregation of two or more keys under secure transmission is notachieved Broadcast Encryption (BE) schemes permit a sender to safely communicate to any subset of individuals yetrequires a trusted party to circulate decryption keys. Group Key Agreement (GKA) protocol allows a group of membersin an open network to agree to a common encryption key and only the members of the group are allowed to decrypt theciphertexts, however a sender cannot eliminate any specific member from decrypting the ciphertexts. Here, we combinethese two ideas with a hybrid primitive called as contributory broadcast encryption (ConBE). In this new primitive, agroup of individuals settle to a common public encryption key while each individual holds a decryption key, hence thesender can confine the decryption to a subset of individuals of its choice. Following this, the ConBE scheme isproposed with short ciphertexts. In the standard model, this scheme is verified as collusion resistant under the n-Bilinear Diffie-Hellman Exponentiation (BDHE) assumption. From its independent significance, we show another BEscheme that is aggregatable. The aggregatability property appears to be helpful to build complex protocols.