期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Steganography is the art and science of covered writing that involves in communicating secret messagein an appropriate multimedia channel. The purpose of Steganography is secret communication to hide the existence of amessage from the snooping eyes. The goal is to conceal the existence of the embedded data. Steganography has varioususeful applications. It has been propelled to the vanguard of current security techniques by the remarkable growth in thecomputational power. Steganography ultimate aim is undetectable, robustness and capacity to hide data and separate itfrom the relevant techniques with watermarking and cryptography Digital algorithms have been developed by usingtexts, images and audio as the wrap media. However, using text as the target medium is relatively difficult as comparedto the other media, because of the lack of redundant information in a text file. This paper presents an approach for textSteganography through a technique that uses rotational symmetry of the English alphabets. To hide secret data bits, theproposed method checks the rotational symmetry of both vertical and horizontal properties of the characters present insentence of the text. If it is followed, it selects the sentence to generate a summary of the text, known as cover text orstegotext. Correspondingly at the extraction, the receiver checks for the rotational symmetry properties followed by thecharacters present in the sentences of the stegotext and places the matching bits to get the secret message from thesummary generated by the hiding process. The proposed method shows a satisfactory result with the cover text chosenfrom different newspapers.
关键词:Digital Text Steganography; Rotational Symmetry; Summary; Security