期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:This project deals with an approach to overcome the present traffic management system. Nearly 1.26million deaths related due to road traffic injuries has been estimated by the WHO organization. Lack of development inthe transport system specifically in technology aspects accounts for 62% of the deaths. The conventional traffic controlsystem has a major disadvantage where it lacks an adaptive nature for peak hour traffic. Preset data for signal controland lack of centralized entity are few factors which contribute to the chaos prevailing. Sometimes, one particular roadmay be crowded where the system fails to give priority to the demanding side. Another serious problem is, paving wayfor emergency vehicles and lane clearance. Hence, an adaptive intelligent traffic control system using IoT (Internet ofThings) is proposed. The project overcomes various drawbacks in the current system and extensive data collected fromthe field conditions can be supportive in extending for future work. The work also incorporates existing protocolsframed by different authorities and law enforcing agencies. Specific road standards has been referred for the design anddevelopment of the system. Such a kind of system helps in improving the future of transportation and the way peoplecommute. Internet of Things has been pooled in to the system for enhancement ofSafety and security which also includes digitalization in the field.
关键词:Traffic Management; IoT; Intelligent Traffic control system; Digitalization.