摘要:This article studies the Martell Rumbaut family network´s origin and genealogy in the fishing community of Castillo-Perché in the province of Cienfuegos, Cuba. Based on a qualitative and ethnographic approach, in-depth interviews, participant observation and documentary analysis, we describe the internal dynamics of the Martell Rumbaut social network. We address the web of relationships that the family members develop with one actor, who is the center of the network (ego). Finally, we spell out their roles deployed by family member in fishing, the central techno-economic activity that models the family network.
关键词:Castillo-Perché;fishing community;techno productive practice;family social networks.;Castillo-Peché;comunidad marinera;práctica tecno-productiva;redes sociales de familia.;Castillo-Perché;comunidade náutica;prática tecnoprodutiva;redes sociais de família.