This paper aims to introduce a model for social media content management that is focused on both the strategic and operational levels to guide companies in setting, formulating and spreading social media marketing content and monitoring the achieved results. The framework has been realized considering different cognitive goals related to the organizational unit responsible of the development of the content marketing processes, corporate content identity, decision making elements for digital content creation, the diffusion of content through social media platforms, and the tools and parameters used to measure and evaluate performance. The model presented here is an attempt to fill in the existing gap in the recent literature regarding digital content marketing and social media content management. The framework introduces some consequential steps of a well-defined process that is composed of decisions and activities that must be carefully planned, thus preventing (from an operational level) the recurrent use of specific management tools. By adopting an integrated vision, is it possible to keep the business strategy’s objectives and all the operative tasks conducted by the content marketing team aligned.