摘要:The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between premarital counseling and marital conflict among Christian couples in Sameta Sub County, Kisii Count, and Kenya. The sample size of the study was 400 respondents based on total population of approximately 20,000 spouses married couples in the study area. Descriptive, correlation and cross sectional research designs were using structural questionnaire and interview guide were used as research instruments. Data was analyzed using both descriptive (frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation) and Pearson correlation and multi-regression analysis. Based on a 5-likert scale measure, it was found that, premarital counseling was assessed as high (grand mean = 3.49. std. = 1.12) and marital conflict (grand mean =3.60. std. = 1.15) was also high. Premarital counseling and marital conflict among Christian couples were significantly associated (r=-0.310. p 0.035). Dimensions of premarital counseling communication (b = -0.027. p =0.034): financial counseling (b = -0.034. p = 0.027): sexuality (b=-0.030, p = 0.039): biblical counseling (b -: -0.023. p = 0.045) were found to be significance contributing factors that control marital conflicts among married Christian couples in the stud) area. The dimensions in-laws (b = -0.001 p = 0.067: parenting (b = -0.021 p = 0.053), anatomy & physiology (b = -0.006. p = 0.072) were not found to be significance contributing factors to marital conflicts.