标题:Sixty Years of Mogollon Archaeeology: Papers From the Ninth Mogollon Conference, Silver City, New Mexico, 1996, by Stephanie M Whittlesey, SRI Press, Tucson, 1999
摘要:"The diverse papers that were presented at the 1996 Mogollon Conference reveal the geographic, intellectual, and temporal scope of contemporary Mogollon archaeology, and almost nothing of the historical controversy surrounding the Mogollon culture concept" (Whittlesey 1999:vii). With these words, Stephanie M. Whittlesey makes it clear in the preface that Sixty Years of Mogollon Archaeology: Papers From the Ninth Mogollon Conference, Silver City, New Mexico, 1996 (SRl Press 2000) contains few papers on the history of Mogollon archaeology. It might therefore be more appropriately titled "Current Research in Mogollon Archaeology." The volume was apparently named to honor the sixtieth anniversary of Emil Haury's 1936 publication The Mogollon Culture of Southwestern New Mexico, which described the Mogollon for the first time.