摘要:Abstract This study is based on the premise that in order to create better schools, good leadership must be developed. This study believes that Authentic Leadership (AL), as propounded by various authors in the past 15 years, provides a useful framework for effective school leadership. Furthermore, Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of teachers in schools could be improved if provided AL. The purpose of the study was to explore the correlation of AL and Organizational Citizenship behavior in the context of educational setting such as secondary schools. Thirty-two schools were randomly selected. Two different questionnaires for two research variables were adapted to collect data from 500 teachers and 32 heads. Correlation between AL and OCB of teachers was calculated by applying Pearson coefficient. To measure the effect of the AL on the OCB of teachers Linear Regression was used while for finding out differences between responses on self-reported version and rater version of scale, t test was used. Mixed relationship found between two variables indicates that these constructs are important for teaching and learning in the context of secondary schools, with special reference to teacher satisfaction. This study is important as it combines previous literature from business management and education fields exploring two main constructs AL and OCB to inform education policy and practice in the area of school leadership. Secondly it informs education policy and practice to use these two constructs for leadership development and school improvement through greater teacher satisfaction and motivation.