摘要:Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs/UMKM) are the backbones of national economy. Batik Pekalongan, Solo and Lasem are examples of successful SMEs to stimulate local economy while creating products that are competitive in the national and international level. The purpose of this article is to identify the leading factors, as well as the barriers to doing batik business. In addition, this study also wanted to know the anticipation of future events done by batik entrepreneurs in creating customer value. The method used is a quantitative approach to structural equation modeling methods in order to understand the antecedents of market performance in SMEs Batik Pekalongan, Solo and Lasem. The results showed that anticipation and future customer value are antecedents to market performance batik entrepreneurs in those three areas.
关键词:Batik; structural model; customer value; extra efforts.