摘要:Aims: Aims of the study were to describe socio-economic characteristics of cocoyam farmers and ascertain the constraints associated with cocoyam producers in Kaduna state. Study Design: Primary data were collected from cocoyam producers through the use of structured questionnaires. Place and Duration of Study: “This study was carried out in three local government areas in Kaduna state”, Nigeria between August and November 2014 cropping season. Methodology: Multistage purposive and random sampling techniques were employed for data collection. Results: The study showed that 34% of the respondents fall within the age range of 30 and 39 years. The majority of the farmers (50%) had no formal education. The household size ranged from 6-10 persons, whereas (73%) were not members of cooperative society. Results indicated that pest and disease was the most severe constraint of cocoyam producers with about 91.13% of cocoyam farmers attesting to this fact. Conclusion: The findings of the study ascertained the causes of decline in cocoyam production among farmers in Kaduna State. The study showed that cocoyam production is yet to be maximized since several constraints still limit its production. The most severe problems included pest and disease, unavailability of improved seed, inadequate capital, high cost of input, labour shortage and access to market. These constraints constitute serious impediments to cocoyam production and need to be addressed adequately before cocoyam production can be improved in the area. It was obvious from the study therefore that cocoyam production was declining as a result of the majorly agronomic and marketing constraints. It is recommended that agro based industries should be encouraged by the government to support research and production of cocoyam products for commercial purposes and timely and adequate supply of fertilizer should be made available to farmers at affordable price in order to enhance the production of cocoyam.