期刊名称:Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology
出版社:Sciencedomain International
摘要:Introduction: Out of the total net cropped area of 28.10 lakh hectares in Assam, only 1.96 lakh hectares is under double cropping despite the implementation of “Mission Double Cropping” with a fixed target of covering 2.09 lakh hectares in the state. Double cropping is not a new concept in Assam, because the cropping intensity has increased to 155.81 percent in 2013-14 from 152.29 percent in 2012-13. However, there is still some inhibitions on the part of the farmers in going for double cropping though it gives the farmers an increasing cash flow. Aims: The present study was conducted to identify the major socio-economic constraints in adoption of double cropping. Study Design: Original Research. Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted in Jorhat and Golaghat districts of Upper Brahmaputra Valley Zone (UBVZ) of Assam during 2016 where government programmes of double cropping are in operation. Methodology: The study was based on primary data collected through the personal interview from a sample of 120 farmers. The sample was drawn through multistage stratified random sampling technique. Constraint facing index was used. Results: The study revealed the non-availability of water supply in the crop field as the major constraint faced by the highest number of farmers during Rabi season followed by a shortage of labour and stray cattle problem. Some other problems such as non-availability of credit, shortage of water supply to the crop field, high fuel cost, shortage of credit, high wage rate, transportation cost were also reported by the study as constraints in adopting double cropping in the zone. Conclusion: The study suggested some measures to overcome these reported problems like ensuring adequate irrigation facilities, proper awareness among the famers regarding water harvesting, proper fencing around the field to avoid stray cattle etc.