摘要:Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is one of the most important crops in Ethiopia for international market, while its production is challenged by insect infestations and inappropriate agronomic practices. Sesame webworm (Antigastra catalaunalis) is the major pest, which causes heavy losses in Humera areas, Northern Ethiopia. This study aims to determine optimum sowing time and insecticide application frequency for controlling A. catalaunalis. The results showed that the early sowing gave minimum infestation of sesame webworm and better sesame grain yield. The integration of early sowing and weekly spray (T16) resulted in low incidence (8.8%) and higher grain yield (651 kg/ha), where the combination of late sowing and untreated (control) plot (T3) gave higher incidence (100%) and lower grain yield (69.1 kg/ha). The maximum level of leaf, flower and capsule damage was scored on the late sowing and untreated plot, while the lowest was in the early sowing and weekly sprayed plot. Planting sesame early on the onset of rainfall followed with two application of insecticide at 2 and 4 weeks after emergence was found economical and optimum management option for controlling A. catalaunalis.
关键词:Sesamum indicum ; A. catalaunalis ; Capsule damage ; Incidence ; Insecticide frequency