摘要:Small Islands Developing States (SIDS), but also other developing countries especially in the Global South, still face distinctive challenges to ensure sustainable livelihoods for their current population as well as future generations. These include the access to and the production as well as provision affordable of energy. Despite a large potential for the production of renewable energy, availability and cost-effectiveness of energy efficiency technologies, the Global South still show a heavy reliance on fossil fuels to meet its energy demands, not least due to a lack of skilled human resources in the energy sector. Embracing ICT solutions, in the area of energy, can be a valuable crosscutting measure to promote education for sustainability and address the chronic human capacity problem that constrains the quicker uptake of sustainable energy technologies in SIDS. Drawing from a concrete project example involving Small Island Developing States, this paper explores the importance of open-access online courses for improved lifelong learning. The “Lifelong Learning on Energy Efficiency, Access and Security in African and Pacific Small Island Developing States”, (short L3EAP) case study offers valuable insights into the practical development and implementation of a demand-driven approach. The L3EAP learning module addresses distinctive knowledge and technology needs and demands of developing countries in the field of sustainable energy production, renewable energy production, energy efficiency and energy security. In line with the global trend in digitalization, it is suggested that open-access online learning courses can boost education for sustainable development, reflected by the increasing number of openly accessible online learning opportunities and growing interest by further stakeholders groups, e.g. businesses and government staff. Finally, the paper also proposes some lessons recommendations and measures for integrating and utilizing ICT learning solutions in support of individual capacity-building and the sustainable socio-economic development in the Global South.
关键词:Education for sustainability ; Lifelong learning ; Sustainable energy ; OER ; ICT4Dev ; SIDS ; Capacity-building