摘要:Background: Vast changes in disease features and risk factors and influence of demographic, economical, and social trends on health system, makes formulating a long term evolutionary plan, unavoidable. In this regard, to determine health system vision in a long term horizon is a primary stage. Method: After narrative and purposeful review of documentaries, major themes of vision statement were determined and its context was organized in a work group consist of selected managers and experts of health system. Final content of the statement was prepared after several sessions of group discussions and receiving ideas of policy makers and experts of health system. Results: Vision statement in evolutionary plan of health system is considered to be :“a progressive community in the course of human prosperity which has attained to a developed level of health standards in the light of the most efficient and equitable health system in visionary region1 and with the regarding to health in all policies, accountability and innovation”. An explanatory context was compiled either to create a complete image of the vision. Conclusion: Social values and leaders’ strategic goals, and also main orientations are generally mentioned in vision statement. In this statement prosperity and justice are considered as major values and ideals in society of Iran; development and excellence in the region as leaders’ strategic goals; and also considering efficiency and equality, health in all policies, and accountability and innovation as main orientations of health system.