摘要:The purpose of this study is to analyze three separate constructs (demographics, study habits, and technology familiarity) that can be used to identify university students characteristics and the relationship between each of these constructs with student achievement. A survey method was used for the current study, and the participants included 2,949 university students from 11 faculties of a public university in Turkey. A survey was used to collect data, and the data were analyzed using the chi-squared automatic interaction detection (CHAID) algorithm. The results of the study revealed that female students are significantly more successful than male students. In addition, the more introverted students, whether male or female, have higher grade point averages (GPAs) than those students who are more extroverted. Furthermore, male students who use the Internet more than 22 hours per week and use the Internet for up to six different aims have the lowest GPAs among all students, while female students who use the Internet for up to 21 hours per week have the highest GPAs among all students. The implications of these findings are also discussed herein.
关键词:Higher education; Achievement; Gender; Technology; Motivation; Decision tree