摘要:The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between pre-service teachers perceptions regarding technology use in mathematics teaching and their computer literacy levels as well as their mathematics teaching anxiety. The nonexperimental correlational research, which is included in the quantitative research approach, was used in the study. A total of 481 pre-service mathematics teachers constitute the sample of the study. The mathematics teaching anxiety scale, a perception scale for technology use in mathematics teaching, and the computer literacy scale were used as data collection tools. Based on the analysis of the obtained data, a low-level, negative and significant relationship was found between pre-service teachers mathematics teaching anxiety and their perceptions regarding technology use in mathematics teaching. Also a low-level, negative and significant relationship was found between pre-service teachers mathematics teaching anxiety and their computer literacy levels. It may be concluded that pre-service teachers mathematics teaching anxiety decreases as their perception levels regarding technology use in mathematics teaching positively increases and their computer literacy levels increase.
关键词:Mathematics teaching anxiety; Computer literacy; Pre-service teachers; Perceptions regarding technology use in mathematics teaching