其他摘要:The Superconducting Supercollider (SSC) is a 20TeV on 20Tev dual beam proton accelerator, which will use superconducting magnets and whose construction is expected to begin in 1987. The Texas Accelerator Center is pursuing the superferric option for the SSC reference design. The superferric dipole magnet consists of a laminated iron yoke powered by a few turns of superconductor. These dipoles have a magnetic length of 105m and a bore of 2.Scm x 3.7cm and have been designed to produce a field uniform to 1 part in 10', for fields from O.15T at an injection energy of 1TeV to 3T at a storage energy of 20TeV. Two such magnets, one for each beam, are placed in a single cryostat. The accelerator will require approximately 1,000 double dipoles. We present the cold iron version of the superferric dipole. We discuss its basic design, the design of the superconductor and its insulation, the good field size and quality, the magnetic forces and stored energy, the dimensional tolerances and errors for industrial production, and test results of several prototypes. We also describe the finite difference and finite element computer software used for the design.